速報APP / 藝術與設計 / parrot wallpaper hd

parrot wallpaper hd





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



parrot wallpaper hd(圖1)-速報App

Parrots are one of the most famous and popular bird species in Indonesia. One of the uniqueness of parrots is that their intelligence mimics human speech.

intelligent animal eating all

Parrots are one of the smart animals because they can be drilled to speak.

Difference between parrots and other birds because it has a unique tongue and sound.

With this sound the parrot can learn to imitate sounds or words spoken by humans around it

Parrot wallpaper category

parrot wallpapers hd

parrot wallpaper

parrot wallpaper hd(圖2)-速報App

parrot wallpaper app

parrot wallpaper hd

blue parrot wallpaper

parrot bird wallpaper

Application features:

- The size is very small

- Very fast application

- Get offline or online mode

parrot wallpaper hd(圖3)-速報App

- HD image quality

- Easy to operate

- Install wallpaper

- Can share friends

- Can be downloaded

- Pinch zoom

- One-click wallpaper settings

- Save the Wallpaper one-click

parrot wallpaper hd(圖4)-速報App

- One-click Share wallpaper

- This application is 100% Free to use

and much more


All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. Please let me know if the original content that you want is removed from our application.

1. The wallpaper is meant to assist in sorting images according to the title

2. Buy original content to get your favorite picture.

3. DISCLAIMER !!!! This application is for grouping images, we are not responsible for

parrot wallpaper hd(圖5)-速報App

Copyright issue"

parrot wallpaper hd(圖6)-速報App